
SPU Demo Scene?

I've always found programming under extreme constraints and limitations to be fascinating; embedded systems development, old-school console programming, assembly language, whatever. For this reason I also found demo-scene projects to be rather interesting. Not so much for the artistic portions but more for the technological challenges. In some way they've inspired me to want to try and motivate people with the same or similar goals, this time using the SPUs. The SPUs relative simplicity and resurrection of low-level programming techniques revitalizes the purer, skill-based challenge that seemed to exist before the advent of massive libraries and hulking tools.

But most of all, it's just for the fun of it.

I've been trying to come up with a loose series of "rules" to base this all on with the primary theme being: you have the SPE and 256KB for code/data and nothing else. Without looking at other competitions, I would imagine something along the lines of:

  • Each contest is specified as N-way; where N is the number of SPUs you are allowed to use

  • LS(s) can be initialized with whatever you like, but once an SPU is started NO communication (except for debugging/status feedback purposes) between the PPU and the SPUs (including mailboxes, etc.) or DMA to/from the SPEs and main/non-LS memory is allowed except SPU-to-SPU transfers via memory-mapped LS and other allowed exceptions

  • A framebuffer for visual output is also provided (my inclination is to make this write-only to keep it from being used as working memory)

  • Demos, in general, must run at 60 fps

There are probably a lot more things to consider, loop holes to fill, etc. But it captures the essence of my interest in both time and space limitations.


Flashbacks to Cache Programming

I recently went back through two classic resources programming considerations for processor caches: "The Elements of Cache Programming Style" by Chris Spears, and Christer Ericson's "Memory Optimization" talk from GDC 2003. This was partially for my own amusement but also to see if there were any fun tid-bits of information that I had forgotten about. Both can be found rather easily via Google.

Both have dated examples using processors from yesteryear, but the core concepts are still relevant today as little has changed in the overall design of the memory hierarchy. In fact, they are perhaps even more relevant today since the widening gap between processor performance and memory latency they they spoke of as looming on the horizon is now upon us. While this has been partially addressed by adding an L3 cache, the many-threaded architecture of modern GPUs, to a lesser extent by SMT, and essentially side-stepped by architectures like the Cell's SPEs, the dreaded cache-miss bogeyman is still lurking under every bed and in every closet.

Both discussed watching structure member alignment and packing to reign in bloat and its impact on cache performance, something that I think people are largely already doing to reduce memory usage. Reorganizing them based on member access ordering and splitting into "hot" and "cold" areas, perhaps less so. The one thing in particular I had forgotten about was Ericson's suggestion of accessing all member variables through accessors and then instrumenting them looking for frequency and correlation statistics to determine "hotness" and order relationships, respectively. This could perhaps be done mostly automatically with gcc's -finstrument-functions or the like.

Another interesting (obvious?) suggestion was using a custom slab allocator for dynamic data structures so the various link elements all end up in the same page. Traversing linked-lists and other data structures with indirection have obvious cache miss penalties, but the suggestion is specifically meant to potentially reduce the number of cache misses a little and definitely reduce the number of TLB misses. Further dynamic memory should be freed as soon as possible and re-allocated first-fit in order to try and reuse cachelines (there are other, more global considerations such as fragmentation here but for the sake of argument we're only talking about cache implications). I'm interested to try and instrument our current project to see if this is much of an issue for us.

Finally, using gcc's __attribute__((section("name"))), linking order, and other approaches to try and reduce instruction cache misses by arranging functions in a cache friendly manner. Although I've read this is largely automated by Link Time Code Generation (Whole Program Optimization), it's probably relevant for gcc or whenever you need fine-grained control.

As an aside, Agner Fog (who has some fantastic, interesting resources at http://www.agner.org/optimize/) advocates "reusing the stack". Namely, the stack is "free"d and then it and it's allocated cache lines are reused by consecutive functions. I need a bit more time to think about how this can be used more concretely.

I plan to wrap up this journey glancing over a PowerPC 750 related post from IBM. Again, rather old, but I'm hoping it gives me some ideas for my notes own notes on the 970.



A co-worker sent me a link to AA-sort some time ago, but I didn't have any reason to use it until just recently. I found myself in a situation where I have 2K~4K 4-byte elements packet into qwords and my initial O(N^2) solution just wasn't working out. So, I decided to try the O(N log N) "in-core" component of AA-sort as a pre-sort.

The paper linked above is relatively straight-forward, but they only provide pseudo-code so there's still a bit of effort required to get something usable. As per the author's goals, it's easily written as highly-vectorized, non-branching code and was rather fun to get working.

The authors were working with 8 16-bit values packed into a qword, and I had to make some simple changes to get it working with vec_uint4s.

First, my bitonic_sort() routine takes care of step one of their in-core algorithm by sorting the 4 uint32_t elements in a qword:

inline vec_uint4 bitonic_sort( vec_uint4 Vec_ )
static const vec_uchar16 BADC = {
0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03,
0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b
static const vec_uchar16 CDAB = {
0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07
static const vec_uint4 mask1 = {
0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000
static const vec_uint4 mask2 = {
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff
static const vec_uint4 mask3 = {
0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0x00000000, 0xffffffff
vec_uint4 temp, cmp, result;

temp = spu_shuffle( Vec_, Vec_, BADC ); // Compare A to B and C to D
cmp = spu_cmpgt( Vec_, temp );
cmp = spu_xor( cmp, mask1 ); // Order A/B increasing, C/D decreasing
result = spu_sel( Vec_, temp, cmp );

temp = spu_shuffle( result, result, CDAB ); // Compare AB to CD
cmp2 = spu_cmpgt( result, temp );
cmp2 = spu_xor( cmp2, mask2 ); // Order AB/CD increasing
result = spu_sel( result, temp, cmp2 );
temp = spu_shuffle( result, result, BADC ); // Compare previous A to B and C to D
cmp = spu_cmpgt( result, temp );
cmp = spu_xor( cmp, mask3 ); // Order A/B and C/D increasing
result = spu_sel( result, temp, cmp );

return result;

Next come cmpswap() and cmpswap_skew() from the paper:

inline vec_uint4 vector_cmpswap( vec_uint4* A_, vec_uint4* B_ )
const vec_uint4 a = *A_;
const vec_uint4 b = *B_;
const vec_uint4 cmp = spu_cmpgt( a, b );
*A_ = spu_sel( a, b, cmp );
*B_ = spu_sel( b, a, cmp );

return cmp;

inline vec_uint4 vector_cmpswap_skew( vec_uint4* A_, vec_uint4* B_ )
const vec_uint4 a = *A_;
const vec_uint4 b = *B_;

// The last word compared is 0xffff so that part of the mask should always be 0000
static const vec_uchar16 BCDx = {
0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b,
0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0
const vec_uint4 bShift = spu_shuffle( b, b, BCDx );
const vec_uint4 cmp = spu_cmpgt( a, bShift );
const vec_uint4 swap = spu_sel( a, bShift, cmp );
const vec_uint4 bSwap = spu_sel( bShift, a, cmp );

static const vec_uchar16 abcD = {
0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f
static const vec_uchar16 Aabc = {
0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13,
0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b
*A_ = spu_shuffle( a, swap, abcD );
*B_ = spu_shuffle( b, bSwap, Aabc );

return cmp;

In both functions I return the comparison mask because I think it's necessary to implement step 2 of AA-sort's in-core algorithm; the modified combsort:

static const float INV_SHRINK_FACTOR = 1.f/1.3f;
uint32_t gap = uint32_t(float(edgeCount) * INV_SHRINK_FACTOR);
while (gap > 1)
// Straight comparisons
const uint32_t maxSwapIndex = edgeCount - gap;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < maxSwapIndex; ++i)
vector_cmpswap( (vec_uint4*)&work[i], (vec_uint4*)&work[i+gap] );

// Skewed comparisons for when i+gap exceeds N/4
for (uint32_t i = edgeCount - gap; i < edgeCount; ++i)
vector_cmpswap_skew( (vec_uint4*)&work[i], (vec_uint4*)&work[i+gap - edgeCount] );

gap = uint32_t((float)gap * INV_SHRINK_FACTOR);
vec_uint4 not_sorted;
not_sorted = spu_splats((uint32_t)0);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < edgeCount - 1; ++i)
not_sorted = spu_or( not_sorted, vector_cmpswap( (vec_uint4*)&work[i], (vec_uint4*)&work[i+1] ) );
not_sorted = spu_or( not_sorted, vector_cmpswap_skew( (vec_uint4*)&work[edgeCount - 1], (vec_uint4*)&work[0] ) );
not_sorted = spu_orx( not_sorted );
} while ( spu_extract(not_sorted, 0) );

I use a shrink factor of 1.3 as suggested by the authors as well the combsort page at Wikipedia. Standard combsort stops looping once gap is less-or-equal to 1 and no swaps have been performed in the current iteration. AA-sort splits the gap and "swap" loops so I use the not_sorted value to keep track of when swaps stop occurring (this is the reason that I return the cmp value from each of the swap() functions).

You end up with nicely sorted (albeit transposed) data like:

[0] = 00000003 03910392 04a504a6 05140515
[1] = 0000002b 03910393 04a604a7 05140516
[2] = 0000002b 03910393 04a7049f 05150514
[3] = 0000002c 03910394 04a704a8 05150516
[4] = 0000002c 03920393 04a704a8 05150516
[5] = 0000002d 03930394 04a804a9 05160515
[6] = 0003002b 03b903ba 04a9049f 05170516
[7] = 00200021 03b903bb 04a904aa 05170518
[8] = 00200022 03b903bb 04a904aa 05180517
[9] = 00210022 03b903bc 04aa04ab 05190518

AA-sort normally calls for a final pass that transposes the elements across the width of each vector rather than through each vector element but it wasn't necessary in my particular situation.

I took some performance statistics with the decrementer using a few of my data sets and attached the results below:

Time (ms)# Values

Pretty decent considering the original O(N^2) implementation was taking 3 ms for 2k+ values.


ATI Open-sourcing Radeon Details

I have a lot of respect and admiration for the lengths that ATI goes to to release information to the public.  Last year they made the Radeon 6xx series ISA available.  In the last couple of weeks they've released details on 3D registers in the 6xx/7xx series, and the (albeit primitive but not simple) r600_demo (via git from freedesktop.org).  The availability of this kind of information is a huge boon to hobbyists, researchers, developers, and pretty much everyone else that cares.

I've given all the above resources a look through and I hope to spend a bit more time pouring over the r600_demo (not for the faint of heart or API-dependent).  Thus far I've only had access to documents related to NVidia hardware from the previous generation (under NDA).  The differences are seemingly non-trivial but I'm not certain if it's a result of genealogical advances or manufacturer architectural differences.


Insomniac Tech Page

The Insomniac Tech (R&D) Page is a great source for PS3/performance/game-programming related information.  Even if you happen to not like their games or subscribe to their approach to SPU programming (by choice or otherwise), they've got a lot of resources related to different aspects of engine and game development.  And since they are a game studio all the information is very "practical".  I applaud their openness and willing to share information online, at GDC, etc.

Their SPU Instruction Cheat Sheet has a permanent home on my desktop.


Code Generation in Synthesis

While looking for resources and ideas regarding self-modifying code I came across this Ph.D. dissertation from the early 90's "Synthesis: An Efficient Implimentation of Fundamental Operating System Services".  It actually has some pretty cool stuff in it: self-modifying code for context switches and optimization, lock-free synchronization primitives, and fine-grained (compared to normal CPU quantum) scheduling for real-time processing.  The lock-free implementation seems particularly forward-thinking given the many-core world we live in today.